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buzz word (企業、政府、科技等方面的)流行詞語[口號]。


Fresh ? new ? original ? creative ? compelling : these are the buzz words 廢話 that all networks and channels want to attach to their offerings because the qualities they enshrine attract viewers … this is where size matters 鮮活新穎原創創造性引人入勝:所有的網絡媒體和頻道都想把這些廢話附加在它們提供的節目上,因為這些詞蘊含的特征吸引觀眾… …這就是數量要緊之處(指抓到觀眾數量之多對盈利要緊) !

Over - hype : too much hype and the overuse of superlatives can be the downfall of an otherwise sound business plan . wow them with the business idea , not hype or buzz words 過度宣傳:宣傳泛濫,吹的天花亂墜會使原本合理的商業計劃一敗涂地。用商業思維來說服他們而不是靠吹噓和空談。

In the context of escalating violence , decommissioning is no more than a fashionable buzz word , and will not lead to the guerrillas laying down their arms 在暴力不斷升級的情況下,解除軍官軍職只不過是時髦的空話,游擊隊不會因此而放下武器。

The new “ buzz word in the food industry is nutraceuticals - foods that provide medical benefits as well as traditional nutrients 食品行業中新的“流行詞匯是營養藥品像提供傳統的營養一樣有醫療效用的食物